School Council
Budding School Councillors were put through their paces in an ‘Apprentice style’ interview process in a bid to win votes from the interview panel.
An application process also had been put in place before the interviews as every child from Reception to Year 6 got the opportunity to put forward their manifestoes.

The interview panel consisted of last year’s School Council Representatives, who were ready with a pen and clipboard in hand to ask the important questions.
Children across the school were practising interview techniques with their Teachers, Parents and their peers.
The nerves were taking over as the waiting was unbearable but in true St Saviour’s fashion the children rose to the occasion and were brilliant in their interviews.
It was a tough decision for the panel as they pondered over many cups of water about who should be our new members.
The panel finally made their decision and the announcement was made in a special School Council assembly as certificates were handed out to this year’s School Council members.
The process allowed children to get a taster of the ‘world of work’ and the steps they will go through.
We would like to thank all the children who applied and thank everyone who helped with the process.